What you need to know

For a better understanding of the information conveyed by the maps presented, we recommend that you read the following short summary on the interpretation and production of spatial soil information (basic and more general soil maps).

The new paradigm for the interpretation and production of spatial soil information (basic and more general soil maps) is based on:

  • The mapping of soil properties is the result of spatial prediction.
  • The spatial estimation is based on modelling the relationship between spatial variables related to environmental factors and the soil property to be mapped, which provide full coverage of the area to be mapped, and which are related to soil formation processes and their consequences.
  • The spatial modelling is carried out in geoinformatics environment using geostatistical and data mining methods, or combinations thereof.
  • State-of-the-art methods provide global and local accuracy and reliability of spatial estimates in addition to the map output.
  • The final map product is the result of a triad of reference and auxiliary data and method(s) used; its quality and usability depend on these.
  • The more complete and accurate the spatial estimation data (both for the variable to be mapped and for the auxiliary variables used in the modelling), the more reliable the prediction results.
  • Soil spatial data (soil maps) produced in the new environment go far beyond the thematic content conveyed by previous maps in terms of their thematic content, their representation and their depth reference.
  • The newly produced soil spatial data and the maps mapped on the basis of these data, together with the information on their production and accuracy, form a coherent data system beyond the given thematic content.
  • The mapped soil variables are characterised by their task-oriented, goal-specific functionality as opposed to thematic robustness.

Further information:

„What can be expected from the renewed national soil spatial data infrastructe?”

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